Sean McGinley
Sean McGinley is a trend-setter. He cultivates and rehearses various personae at Elbow Room, where he is often found wearing a wig, carrying a big drink, and being friends with everyone. Camo parachute pants, hi-vis orange vests, this fashionista can pull it off. Sean mines language from books and his drawings often feature interesting poetic constructions and stick figure renderings, partially submerged by the rising tide of a color field. A man of many talents, DJ Sean is known to start a party with looping vocal recordings and electronic beats, mashing up Elbow Room’s own version of Berlin nightclub sounds. It’s no wonder Sean is an integral part of the Video Tones collective, collaborating on screen or contributing to sound tracks. Sean McGinley continues to charm and surprise by creating original artist books, and never failing to bring the hype to Elbow Room.
Too Much Sun, Alberta Abbey, Portland, OR
Team Back Together, The Hoffman Gallery at Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR